“Why do we even eat rice? It’s tasteless!” If you come to think of it, rice is too boring to eat on its own. It is just a plain white soft food — bland. It always needs another food so it can be enjoyable to eat. But, what if we cook rice using another liquid? […]
Suggested Coconut Milk Recipes Using Common Instant Products It is undeniable that the coronavirus pandemic has already and is continuing to shake the world. From one country to another, tons of negative and heartbreaking effects of the still incurable virus has plagued us all. From rural towns to huge cities, strict quarantine and lockdowns have […]
Banana chips have become a common “pasalubong” by most Filipinos whenever they travel across the country. It is because the Philippines has an abundance of banana trees growing almost everywhere. Plantations are easy to find especially in rural provinces. The country has been exporting the good internationally for quite some time. It is no doubt […]
Banana chips is a common snack for humans. From simply munching on its crispy thin slices, one may also add it to cereal, ice cream, salad, baked goodies, chocolate dip and certain sandwich spreads. It is that easy to mix it with any food that will compliment it as it always comes handy and is […]
Who would’ve thought that we could still discover more uses of the awesome coconut tree that has always been richly available around the country? Yes, you read the title right. Aside from the existing many uses of coconut in our lives, we can still uncover something unexpected from it. From food, beauty products, household resources, […]
There was a time that people were skeptical of the Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). They were saying that VCO was a fad and that manufacturers just affixed the word “virgin” to add value to the ordinary coconut oil. Years passed and those unbelievers were finally convinced that the Virgin Coconut Oil really is something special […]
Years ago, only those living in the tropics appreciate the refreshing wonders of the coconut water. Now, people in the west, where there is no single trace of coconut tree, are going loco over this coco drink! Many are considering this as a super drink because of its taste and health benefits. In turn, this […]
Coconut milk has been around for centuries, especially in Asia where the coconut tree is abundantly growing. It has been incorporated in dishes to make them creamy and to add a nutty flavor. In the recent decade, the coconut milk is gaining popularity across the globe. It has been manufactured and packaged to be attractive […]
In recent years, the desiccated coconut market has gained traction and became popular in some countries, especially in the desserts industry. Philippines, being one of the top producers and exporters of coconut and its by-products, has a significant role to the positive movement of the desiccated coconut in both local and international markets. WHAT IS […]
In our previous post, we have learned that coconut milk is a wonderful coconut by-product, containing nutrients that can improve our health. It can make our heart healthy, can aid in weight loss, can enhance brain functions, and can fight infections and diseases. Now let’s have fun with coconut milk! We are going to make […]