
Is Coconut Water Probiotic?

An Overview About Fermented Coconut Water

Coconut water is indeed packed with all the nutrients, enzymes and vitamins that are essential for the body. But can it be considered a probiotic? In order to answer this, let us recall the simplest definition of what a probiotic is.

Probiotic is defined as live microorganisms that are good for a person’s health, especially in the digestive system. They are commonly called the “good bacteria” inside our bodies. But are they found inside a coconut? The answer is no. 

The good bacteria healthy for the gut is not present in coconut water, but the good news is, one can ferment coconut water and turn it into a healthy probiotic drink! Fermenting coconut water actually introduces various healthy microbes into the water which results in creating a wide range of probiotics good for the body.

In the process of fermenting, sugar present in coconut water is being removed while other vitamins and nutrients remain. This will give the body lots of benefits when consumed. While it is already available in the market, fermented coconut water or coconut water kefir can be made at home. Below are simple guidelines when fermenting coconut water all by yourself.

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Guidelines in Fermenting Coconut Water

  1. When fermenting, one must consider what coconut water to use. Both the commercialized coconut water sold in groceries and fresh coconut water from harvested young coconut is okay. However, the fresh juice obtained straight from the fruit is always better. 
  2. Decide what probiotic to use. The most common probiotic products available in the market are kefir grains, yogurt whey and powder starter. Most people fermenting coconut water uses water kefir grains instead of milk kefir grains or other dairy-based probiotics.
  3. Prepare a good container, a cloth for cover and an appropriate space for the fermentation process. Make sure that the container you will be using is thoroughly clean. You may sterilize it if you can. When storing the container while fermenting, some use their oven (not turned on of course) to ensure airtightness. But leaving it in a warm, dry spot in your kitchen is also okay as long as you have it properly covered.
  4. After 24 – 48 hours, you may check your container to see if it’s ready. It is normal to see bubbles forming at the top of the liquid. It should smell like yogurt – with tangy and/or vinegar like smell. These physical manifestations indicate that the culture in the liquid is alive and growing and the fermentation process is taking effect.
  5. You may wait again for another 24 hours before transferring the liquid inside the fridge. It is now ready for consumption.


Once ready, you may keep your home-made coconut water kefir inside the fridge and consume it from time to time. A glass a day is what is normally suggested when drinking. However, one must consider specific body reactions when consuming probiotics so be mindful of the amount. Observe your body and let it adjust first before increasing your intake. You may also mix the liquid with smoothies, oatmeal and other food that are normally being mixed too, with yogurt. 

Fermented coconut water has lots of health benefits for the body

Aside from the already present nutrients in coconut water, fermenting it reduces the sugar content in coconut water, thus making it an even healthier food to consume. It is also vegan-friendly especially if water kefir grains are used and not any dairy-based probiotic which comes from cow and goat milk. For people with lactose intolerance, it will be a great source of probiotics for them.

Fermented coconut water is indeed a must-try product. It is a novel functional food with promising possibilities in today’s market.

For trusted manufacturer, supplier, & exporter of quality coconut water product, contact Greenville Ago Corporation today!